Chaminade Julienne honors members of the CJ community — alumni, parents, coaches, faculty, staff and friends — living and deceased — listed below, or not — who are serving or have served in our military. God bless them with prayers of peace and gratitude. We also offer prayers of comfort and sympathy to those individuals and their families who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms which we now enjoy.
This listing was compiled as a result of an appeal made through the school’s alumni Facebook page. We also invite those not listed here to include themselves or loved ones to our military honor role. Please contact Maria Hofstetter with your information at: (937) 461-3740 x248, or [email protected]
Class of 1934
Robert Waltz | U.S. Army
Class of 1935
Fred L. Budde | U.S. Navy, World War II
Class of 1939
Ralph Wildenhaus | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1940
Don Hochwalt | U.S. Army, World War II
Ralph Schultz Sr. | U.S. Army
Edward Regan | U.S. Marines, World War II – Japanese Theatre
Class of 1941
Tom Bucher | U.S. Army
Fred Kroger | U.S. Army, POW
LT. Richard Marshall | U.S. Navy, World War II – Pacific 1943 – 1945, Navy Res. 1946 – 1951, Korea 1951 – 1953
Robert Pfeiffer | U.S. Army, West Point graduate; U.S. Air Force
Class of 1942
Donald ‘Don’ Hickey | U.S. Navy, World War II
Class of 1946
Joseph Koepnick Jr. | U.S. Army
Class of 1948
David Pfeiffer | U.S. Army
Class of 1949
James Bucher | U.S. Army
Michael Haines | U.S. Navy
Col. Robert E. Koepnick | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1950
Robert Karl | U.S. Navy
Patrick Lowry | U.S. Air Force 1951 – 1955
William Paton | U.S. Army, 3rd Division; 1952 – 1953
Class of 1952
Paul Haines | Teacher; U.S. Naval Academy
LTC Robert Lally | USAR
Jim Lynch | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1954
Patrick Haines | U.S. Army
Leonard Pytel | U.S. Army
Bill Treon | U.S. Marines
Class of 1955
Frank Allen | U.S. Army, Vietnam
Jerome Staeuble | U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Gerald Wessels | U.S. Marines
Class of 1956
Joseph Knoth | U.S. Army
Edward Metzger | U.S. Army
Lt. John Prudhomme | U.S. Army
Shelton Prudhomme | U.S. Army
Class of 1957
PFC Thomas E. Klepper | U.S. Marines
Mike Moore | U.S. Army
Richard Treon
Class of 1958
Sgt. Thomas Acton | U.S. Air Force
Lt. Robert E. Alexander | U.S. Army
Richard Brun | U.S. Air Force
John Carr | U.S. Army; 1962 – 1968
Jim Hall | U.S. Army
Capt. Donald Hart | U.S. Air Force
Jim Meixner | U.S. Marines; 1958 – 1962
Col. Jerome Thies | U.S. Air Force
James Travis | U.S. Marines; 1959 – 1963
Patrick Treon | U.S. Army
Class of 1959
Fred Gibbs | U.S. Army; 1963 – 1966
Class of 1960
Ronald Bell | U.S. Navy
James Fenelon | U.S. Air Force
Maj. Gen. Edward J. Mechenbier | U.S. Air Force
David Miller | U.S. Air Force
Joseph Rose | U.S. Army
Class of 1961
Henry Cerha | U.S. Air Force
Robert Metzger | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1962
Dave Ahlers | U.S. Marines
Maj. Gen. John Altenburg | U.S. Army
Joe Charters | U.S. Navy
Jim Connell | U.S. Army
Carl Crawford | U.S. Air Force
Bill Fallis | U.S. Air Force
Mike Feldman | U.S. Air Force
Jim Flynn | U.S. Army
Bob Gravelle | U.S. Air Force
Joe Graves | U.S. Army
Jerome Halpin | U.S. Air Force
Carl Heid | National Guard
Steve Hempelman | U.S. Air Force
Steve Henley | U.S. Marines
Tim Kinney | U.S. Air Force
Lee McCready | U.S. Marines
Ed McGuire | U.S. Marines
Tom Petkewitz | U.S. Army
Dennis Reinhard | U.S. Air Force
Marty Schultze | U.S. Army
Nick Sharkey | U.S. Army
John Wise | U.S. Air Force
Paul Ziehler | U.S. Army
Class of 1963
John ‘Jack’ Andrews | U.S. Navy; 1969 – 1973
Albert ‘Al’ Andzik | U.S. Army 1968 – 1971; Vietnam 1970 – 1971; National Guard 1971 – 1978
William ‘Bill’ Armstrong | Army Reserve
Paul Chmiel | U.S. Navy 1968 – 1972, Vietnam
John DiPucci | U.S. Navy
Robert ‘Bob’ Graves | U.S. Army 1968 – 1970
Carole S. Grilliot | U.S. Air Force 1966 – 1970
Richard ‘Rick’ Hoke | U.S. Army
Donald ‘Don’ Honious | U.S. Marines 1963 – 1969
Daniel ‘Danny’ Hughes | Army Reserve
Michael ‘Mike’ McCall | National Guard 1968 – 1974
John McKeon | U.S. Army 1969 – 1971; Vietnam 1969 – 1970
Thomas ‘Tom’ McLaughlin | U.S. Air Force 1966 – 1970
John ‘Jocko’ Mikula | U.S. Army 1963 – 1988; West Point 1963 – 1967; Vietnam 1968 – 1971
Michael ‘Mike’ Miller | U.S. Army 1965 – 1971; Vietnam 1969 – 1970
Daniel ‘Dan’ Minogue | U.S. Air Force 1968 – 1972
Thomas ‘Tom’ Payne | U.S. Army 1969 – 1970
Robert ‘Bob’ Peitz | U.S. Army 1965 – 1967; Vietnam 1965 – 1966
Michael ‘Mike’ Redden | U.S. Army 1967 – 1971; Vietnam 1968 – 1969
Thomas ‘Tom’ Schramm | U.S. Army 1966 – 1969; Vietnam 1967 – 1968
Ralph Schultz Jr. | U.S. Army
Carole Grilliot Simmons | U.S. Air Force
William ‘Bill’ Struck | U.S. Navy
Edward ‘Ed’ Wildenhaus | Army Reserve 1966 – 1972
William Schottelkotte | U.S. Air Force 1967 – 1971
Dale Snurr | U.S. Navy 1967 – 1970
Class of 1964
David A. Agee | U.S. Air Force
William R. Allen | U.S. Navy
Bernard Andzik | U.S. Army
Jeffrey G. Ballmann | U.S. Army
Robert C. Barkmeyer | U.S. Army
Richard R. Becker | U.S. Army
Albert E. Becker | U.S. Navy
Gerald P. Belle | U.S. Army
Leslie Charles Berthy | U.S. Navy
Edward J. Bosch | U.S. Navy
Michael L. Boehmer | U.S. Navy
Barry L. Branch | U.S. Navy
Daniel Brockman | U.S. Air Force
Michael J. Brown | U.S. Army
Eugene R. Brown | U.S. Navy
Robert E. Burkhardt | U.S. Marines
Michael D. Caporal | U.S. Air Force
Joseph R. Claude | U.S. Army
Robert E Cochran | U.S. Army
Stephen W. Cole | U.S. Navy
Robert M. Coons | U.S. Army
Robert E. Coyle | U.S. Navy
Albert G. Dabbs | U.S. Navy
Stephen John Danaher | U.S. Marines
Thomas C. Davis | U.S. Navy
James J. Dell | U.S. Air Force
Robert W. Dessecker | U.S. Army
Anthony J. DiMatteo | U.S. Army
William B. Duffy | U.S. Air Force
Michael M. Duffy | U.S. Navy
Michael J. Early | U.S. Army
Samuel M. Elliot | U.S. Navy
Joseph Estevez | U.S. Navy
Allan Sydney Fenelon | U.S. Air Force
Theodore J. Fink | U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force
Michael H. Frantz | U.S. Marines
George E. Freiberger | U.S. Army
Garrett T. Gallagher | U.S. Army
David F. Galvin | U.S. Army
Joseph F. Githens | U.S. Army
James M. Gitzinger | U.S. Navy
Michael A. Glotfelter | U.S. Army
Dennis I. Goecke | U.S. Army
Paul J. Goldschmidt | U.S. Air Force
Paul V. Goode | U.S. Air Force
David J. Goode | U.S. Army
Gary W. Gottschlich | U.S. Army
David J. Graney | U.S. Army
Terrence L. Hackett | U.S. Navy
George M. Hale | U.S. Air Force
Richard A. Hamer | U.S. Navy
Michael R. Higgins | U.S. Army
Lawrence Dean Horner | U.S. Air Force
Michael M. Hughes | U.S. Army
David T. Israel | U.S. Army
John W. Kaiser | U.S. Marines
Michael C. Kelly | U.S. Marines
Thomas W. Kerby | U.S. Army
William L. Koerner | U.S. Air Force
Joseph S. Kramer | U.S. Air Force
John J. Kramer | U.S. Army
Martin C. Kuntz | U.S. Army
Nicholas Kuzujanakis | U.S. Army
George E. Lehmann | U.S. Army
George Loney | U.S Army
Joseph J. Luthman | U.S. Navy
Peter J. Lutz | U.S. Army
Thomas M. Mahle | U.S. Navy
Joseph E. Mahlmeister | U.S. Army
Michael B. Manning | U.S. Air Force
Michael P. McManus | U.S. Marines
David F. Meyer | U.S. Navy
William U. Michel | U.S. Army
Ronald M. Miller | U.S. Army
Richard P. Moon Jr. | U.S. Army
Howard J. Moore | U.S. Air Force
Richard C. Moore | U.S. Army
Theodore T. Motsch | U.S. Air Force
Bruce P. Munley | U.S. Army
Stanley N. Munro | U.S. Air Force
Patrick R. Nugent | U.S. Army
James M. O’Brien | U.S. Army
Thomas N. O’Connor | U.S. Navy
Fernando Oconitrillo | U.S. Army
Gerald R. Olwine | U.S. Navy
Benjamin F. Peasant | U.S. Army
James Peterman | U.S. Air Force
James R. Petrie | U.S. Navy
Daniel H. Pfeiffer | U.S. Army
Richard T. Pflaum | U.S. Army
James J. Quashnock | U.S. Air Force
Philip A. Rathweg | U.S. Army
Richard R. Rogers | U.S. Army
John P. Rose | U.S. Army
Richard L. Ruetschilling | U.S. Army
Thomas L. Sableski | U.S. Air Force
William V. Schraml | U.S. Army
Norman H. Schrein | U.S. Army
David O. Shufeldt | U.S. Army
Edward J. Sipniewski | U.S. Air Force
Joseph S. Soter | U.S. Army
George A. Staas | U.S. Marines
Marianne Stanley | U.S. Air Force
David A. Stelzer | U.S. Navy
Ralph J. Storck | U.S. Navy
William K. Taylor | U.S. Army
Fred C. Thomas | U.S. Marines
Julio Trimboli | U.S. Army
Charles L. Vehorn | U.S. Air Force
John A. Ventura | U.S. Navy
James R. Wack | U.S. Air Force
Jeffrey P. Walters | U.S. Navy
James P. Waltz | U.S. Army
Charles D. Watson | U.S. Air Force
John E. Weaver | U.S. Army
Lawrence R. Weiler | U.S. Army
Ted B. Wendeln | U.S. Army
Steven R. Wendling | U.S. Army
Paul E. Wilson | U.S. Navy
John V. Wonderly | U.S. Marines
Nils Robert Bull Young | U.S. Navy
Lawrence E. Zelinskas | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1965
Larry Budenz | U.S. Army
Michael Clark | U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Navy
James Diemunsch | U.S. Army
Edward D. Dunn | U.S. Army, 1967-1969
Robert Guehl | U.S. Army
John Halpin | U.S. Army
Robert Hamden | U.S. Marines
Donald Harting | U.S. Army
John Heinz | U.S. Army
Steve Hochwalt | U.S. Army
Tom Kavanaugh | U.S. Army
Ed Kleinman | U.S. Air Force
John LaPort | U.S. Air Force
John Limberg | U.S. Marines, Vietnam
Richard Lorton | U.S. Air Force
David Marlow | U.S. Marines
Phillip Maughan | U.S. Army, Vietnam
Ronald Meltz | U.S. Army
David Schommer | U.S. Air Force
James Skelton | U.S. Navy
Steven Spirk | U.S. Air Force
Gary Stickel | U.S. Marines
Dennis Treon | U.S. Marines
Paul Wittman | U.S. Army
Edward Zapatony
Class of 1966
Terry Bruns | U.S. Marines
Joseph Hochdoerfer | U.S. Army
George Mayl | Army National Guard
Charles Rose | U.S. Army
Class of 1968
Michael Bertke | U.S. Coast Guard
Thomas L. Johnson | U.S. Army, Vietnam
Jack Moore | U.S. Navy, Vietnam
Dianne Landis Sonneborn | U.S. Air Force
Frank Titus | U.S. Navy
Class of 1969
Frederick Oborne | U.S. Army
Lt.Col. Jean Williamson | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1970
Greg Bayer | U.S. Navy
David Blake | U.S. Navy
Tim Boudette | U.S. Marines
Scott Bruns | U.S. Army
Steven Cane | U.S. Navy
Judith Plevelich Clark | U.S. Navy
Judith Plevelich Clark | U.S. Navy
Brian Gomes | U.S. Air Force
Steve Grant | Ohio Army National Guard
Chris Gunther | U.S. Marines
Jim Jobe | U.S. Marines
Judith Plevelich Clark | U.S. Navy
Tim Steineman | Ohio Air National Guard
Lt.Col. Timothy Titus | Air National Guard
Class of 1971
John W. Kessler Jr. | U.S. Army
Timothy Kracus | Ohio Army National Guard
Samuel Rosengarten | U.S. Army Reserves
Class of 1972
Richard Harding | U.S. Air Force
Sgt. Steven Kolvek | U.S. Air Force
John Schultz | U.S. Navy
Class of 1974
Michael Howard | U.S. Army
Class of 1975
Mike Bernard | U.S. Navy
Dan Nevels | U.S. Coast Guard
Class of 1980
Stephan Bowles | U.S. Air Force
Sherry Bradley | West Point Academy Graduate
Class of 1984
Lt.Col. David Kauth | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1985
James D Johnson II | U.S. Air Force
Jeanette Hicks Preniczky | U.S. Army
Aimee K. Storm | U.S. Air Force/Air National Guard
Class of 1986
Tina Baily | U.S. Army
Mike Ballweg
Anthony Barwick | Army National Guard
Drew Bernier | U.S. Army
M.Sgt. Douglas Boffman | U.S. Air Force
Greg Bouquot
Patrick Cooper | Army National Guard
Nicole Cortner
John Dailey | National Guard
Maria Gitzinger
Brian Moody
John Munson | Army National Guard
Chris Plummer
Charlie Rogers | U.S. Navy
Paul T. Saunders | U.S. Marine Corp 1988-1992; Desert Shield & Desert Storm
Chris Schindler
Bob Schons
Sarah Wourms Fisher
Class of 1989
Jeff Jacobson | U.S. Air Force
Class of 1990
Matthew Flory | U.S. Coast Guard
Class of 1993
Chris Stouder | Army National Guard
Class of 1994
Greg Heinz | U.S. Navy
James Jacobson Sr. | U.S. Army
Class of 1995
Julie Ann McDaniel-Gallagher | U.S. Army 1998-2006
Class of 1998
Denny Gorman | Marine Reserves
Class of 1999
Shannon E. Capp | U.S. Navy
Class of 2000
Josh Lewis | Coast Guard
Tiffany K. Lewis | Coast Guard
Class of 2001
Eric Etter | U.S. Army – 11 years, Army Reserves
Matt Keefe | U.S. Navy 2004 – present
Class of 2003
Matt Flanagan | U.S. Marines
Andrew Miltenberger | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2004
LCDR Michael Beall | U.S. Navy
Steven Jones | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2005
Lindsey Allen Duggins | U.S. Air Force, Active Duty
Mike Schultz-Navara | U.S. Marines
Alex Treadway | U.S. Air Force
DeLante Turney | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2007
T.Sgt. Alexander Baron | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2008
Capt. Julie B. Kassner | U.S. Air Force
Capt. Zachary Kauth | U.S. Air Force Academy
Randall Wakefield Jr. | U.S. Marines
Class of 2009
Capt. Alexander Kauth | U.S. Air Force Academy
T.Sgt. Andrae Manuel | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2010
1LT. Justin Overman | U.S. Army
Capt. Ben Trick | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2011
Kyle Shaw | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2012
LT. Brian Beall | U.S. Navy
Class of 2013
Jamel Sanders | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2014
LTJG. Conor Hickey | U.S. Navy
Logan Johns | U.S. Air Force
1LT. Lyle Plummer | U.S. Air Force and U.S. Air Force Academy graduate
C.J. Riazzi | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2015
2LT. Faith White | U.S. Army
Class of 2016
Edwin Cervantes | Cyber Security Officer, KY Army National Guard
Class of 2017
Jacob Johns | U.S. Marines
LCpl. Joseph Sattler | U.S. Marines
Class of 2018
Orion Coyle | U.S. Army National Guard
Okojie Usianeneh | U.S. Air Force
Class of 2019
Hunter Johns | United States Naval Academy
Brendan Kadel | U.S. Army, ROTC Cadet
Class of 2020
Padraig Gallagher | U.S. Navy
Sean Gideon | Air Force ROTC
Dylan Johns | U.S. Navy
Faculty and Staff
Jim Sparrow Army National Guard 1986-1992; US Army, First Gulf War 1990-1991