Athletics Overview

Mission & Inclusion - Fist Bump

Welcome to CJ Athletics - Home of the Eagles!

Our mission-centered athletic program helps students build self respect, self-discipline, and self-esteem while becoming great teammates. Our athletes, who are students first, benefit from our strong educational programs and grow in respect for themselves and for each other — learning from teammates who come from many different backgrounds. Student athletes who compete for CJ quickly learn to play at a level of excellence that not only helps them develop as players and teammates, but in a manner that honors the tradition of those who came before them. Built on a strong foundation of athletic prowess, determination, and hard work, CJ athletes play with pride not only for themselves and their teammates, but for the many supporters, alumni, parents, and fans of the Eagles.

“We build community in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.” Chaminade Julienne Core Value

“We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.” Hallmark of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community

Contact Info

Anthony Turner ‘04
Athletic Director
[email protected]
(937) 461-3740 x233

Emily Benson
Assistant Athletic Director
[email protected]
(937) 461-3740 X294

David Miller
Transportation Coordinator

[email protected]