Mission Overview

Mission & Inclusion - Fist Bump

All Things that Make Each of Us Different is also what Makes Us Beautiful in the Eyes of God

Since the inception of Chaminade Julienne’s predecessor schools dating to 1850, the heart of the school’s mission has been formed around embracing the gift of inclusion. The founders of CJ’s sponsoring orders — Saint Julie Billiart (Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur; SNDdeN) and Blessed William Joseph Chaminade (The Marianists) — were each unwavering in their commitment to establishing and fostering a community based on compassion and understanding that exemplify the value of inclusivity. Grounded in the belief that every individual is a unique, valued and cherished child of God, the founders’ wisdom is at the core of the school’s charism, and is an integral part of the Hallmarks of a Notre Dame Learning Community and the Characteristics of a Marianist Education.

“We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.” Hallmarks of a Notre Dame Learning Community

“We educate in family spirit.” Characteristics of a Marianist Education

In this treasured tradition, the gift of diversity is not only acknowledged, but celebrated! It continues to charge the school’s mission and commitment to foster compassion and understanding in our desire to grow this one-of-a-kind experience that is uniquely CJ.


Contact Info

Carlos Stewart
Director Mission & Inclusion