Our call is to foster a vibrant and inclusive Catholic community where faith flourishes, love abounds, and compassion knows no bounds. United in our dedication to living out the Gospel teachings, we strive to create a sacred space where individuals can deepen their relationship with God, support one another on their spiritual journeys, and actively engage in acts of kindness, humility and service to make a positive impact on the CJ committee and the world at large. With open hearts and arms, we welcome all to join us in worship, fellowship, and the shared mission of spreading God’s love to every corner of our lives.
Together, Saint Julie Billiart (founder of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur) and Blessed William Joseph Chaminade (founder of the Marianists) inspire us to create spaces that transcend boundaries, where individuals of diverse backgrounds come together in a spirit of unity. Their teachings challenge us to be advocates for inclusivity, recognizing the richness that emerges when we embrace the unique contributions of each person.
Saint Julie’s legacy is one of compassion and acceptance, advocating for the inclusion of all, regardless of background or circumstance. Her teachings emphasize the importance of recognizing and appreciating the inherent worth of every person, fostering a sense of belonging for all.
Similarly, Blessed Chaminade, in his tireless efforts, has championed the idea that true community is built upon the foundation of embracing differences. Through his teachings, he encourages a spirit of openness and acceptance, rejecting exclusion and promoting a culture where everyone is recognized for their unique gifts and talents.
In Our Day and Time
In their endorsement of inclusivity, our founders invite us to be active participants in the creation of today’s CJ community that would reflect the beauty of human diversity, and the shared humanity that binds us all. We have the blessing of these Hallmarks and Characteristics to guide us:
Hallmarks of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community
- We proclaim by our lives even more than our words that God is good.
- We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.
- We educate for and act on behalf of justice, peace, and the care of all creation.
- We commit ourselves to community service.
- We embrace the gift of diversity.
- We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve.
- We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life.
Characteristics of a Marianist Education
- We educate for formation in faith.
- We provide a quality, integral education.
- We educate in family spirit.
- We educate for service, justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.
- We educate for adaptation and change.
Commitment and Resources
As Chaminade Julienne continues in its efforts to foster and grow mission and inclusion in the community, we are blessed to have support and wisdom of the following groups:
- Mission Integration Team (MIT): Members work to enhance the school community’s understanding of Marianist Education and Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Education, and assist in the expression of the Characteristics of Marianist Education and the Hallmarks of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community in all aspects of school life.
- Mission Effectiveness Advisory Council (MEAC): Provides CJ Trustees with ongoing formation education based on the mission, Hallmarks and Characteristics of the Marianists and Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The council is composed of CJ community partners and CJ staff members.
- Marianist Family Encounter Project: A response to Pope Francis’ call to action on Fratelli Tutti (2020) and Ladato Si’ (2015). The Marianist Family Encounters Project (MFEP) aims to animate, in the Marianist spirit, the CJ community’s response to Pope Francis’ invitation to demonstrate our Commitments of the Global Compact on Education through our personal and collective efforts towards the goals of the Laudato Si’ action platform.
- Work with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur: The Sisters of Notre Dame, are women with hearts as wide as the world, and they make known God’s goodness and love with and among people living in poverty, through a Gospel way of life, community and prayer. Continuing a strong educational tradition, the sisters take a stand with people living in poverty, especially women and children, in the most abandoned places. Each Sister commits her one and only life to work with others to create justice and peace for all. CJ is committed to partnering with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in mission and in practice.
- Light in the City: Originally conceived as a free concert — a gift of healing for the Dayton Community in 2019 following the Memorial Day tornadoes and Oregon District shooting — Light in the City now serves as a catalyst that can bring together all people of faith with the belief that our loving God can bring healing to the world.