Make A Difference Day 2024—Approximately 900 Hours Served • Service is a Chaminade Julienne Tradition

November 15, 2024

For 30 years, Chaminade Julienne students have participated in the nationally recognized day of service, Make a Difference Day—at one time known in the area as Hands Across Miami Valley. Over fall break during the last weekend of October, approximately 280 student volunteers, faculty, staff, alumni and community members participated with many students attending multiple service sites, taking part in a school’s tradition. During these two days, 30 percent of CJ’s student body went out into the Dayton community and lent a helping hand to a multitude of service organizations during one or both days.

Make a Difference Day was started in 1992 by USA Weekend magazine and has become recognized as a national day of service. Over the years, students, teachers, and staff members have volunteered thousands of service hours at different service sites throughout the Miami Valley.    

“During fall break in late October, we encourage our students to go out into our Dayton community to serve others,” said Jenna Legg, interim director of ministry and service at CJ. “Service-learning experience is an integral part of the CJ’s identity. Through service learning, we shape our students to become people of compassion and integrity.”

This year’s Chaminade Julienne student assisted with a variety of activities, including writing encouraging messages, hosting a party for nursing home residents, assisting on farms and at parks, cleaning spaces, and sorting donated clothes. In addition, students worked at fall festivals with face painting and playing games with little kids, setting up for the Hospice 5k, carving pumpkins for the Pumpkin Glow event on Griffin Hill. 

Alumni also came to CJ’s campus this year to help pack lunches for organizations that serve the homeless. Approximately 900 hours in total were volunteered, with an economic impact of more than $25,000 to the community, according to the volunteer tracking organization, Helper Helper.

“The students were excited to volunteer with their friends. Student groups, including clubs, athletic teams, and performing arts, served alongside each other to help non-profit organizations complete tasks needed to serve their communities better,” said Legg. “It was fun seeing our high school students fully engaging with different age groups, from the preschoolers to the elderly.”

“Participating in Make a Difference Day together as a soccer team allowed us to connect as a team, while answering God’s call to serve,” said Bailey Hawkins ‘25, a leader of the girls soccer team’s site. Their team set up for a 5k for Dayton Hospice. 

As part of the CJ tradition, juniors and seniors take on leadership responsibilities, working directly with contacts at the worksites to plan and organize the details of their service projects, and recruiting school mates to be part of their particular service group.

“We love the commitment of student team leaders,” said Legg. “As leaders, they encourage their friends and classmates to join their worksite and motivate the participants at the site. Their promotion of teamwork helps with the overall success at the worksite.” 

“Over the past three years, taking part in Make a Difference Day has fueled my passion and love for service. I am always grateful for the opportunities to serve and show my care for the community,” said Sadie Lekan ‘25. “I was thrilled to be a team leader this year. We had so much fun at the Halloween party at Wilmington Place retirement community. Being a leader allowed me to spread the love of service to other people at CJ.”

“We are blessed by our adult team leaders who gave their time and energy to make this service event possible,” said Legg.

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